Thursday, December 22, 2011

the daily(ish)

I think we were the last hotel in Shanghai to get a Christmas tree.  The night we came home and they were finally decorating the bare tree that had been up for 3 days I decided to help them out…


They didn’t really want my help and I didn’t really care.


hotels in chennai said...

Mount Heera is a hotel that is committed to delivering excellence by providing you with all the necessary amenities to ensure that you have a great time. You can also enjoy a quiet and peaceful stay away from the hustle of the city.

Anonymous said...

the necessary amenities to ensure that you have a great time. You can also enjoy a quiet and peaceful stay away from the hustle of the city.

Unknown said...

Sorry I do not speak English and I did not know what to comment as to what. Thank you.
we respectfully, matur suwun

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