Wednesday, February 16, 2011

round 2

The Wife is on a different kind of project this time so our next location is actually 2, with four weeks in both Poland and Argentina!!

To be completely honest, this was at the very bottom of our "want to go there!" list for this round, but after about 2.3 seconds I realized that even if it wasn't our first (or second, or third, or fourth, etc) choice, it wasn't Atlanta and yes there are some people stuck here again.

We're excited to be in Europe again with the possibility of seeing some friends and I can't wait to be back in Buenos Aires. Tango on the street, dulche de leche atop everything, parrillas, cafe con leches and streets that literally smell like leather...I love it there!

1 comment:

momzblotter said...

great blog, would love if you could become a follower on mine Thanks