Friday, January 28, 2011

the daily(ish)

Conference time can be a little trying, but it is always good to see friends from around the world...


Halee said...

Hi there, I've just discovered your blog off blogher and I look forward to having a good ole look around! Can you please please tell me what sort've job allows your wife to travel so much???

MAV said...

Hi! My wife is a an auditor for a major US corporation. She's on the international team so she audits different places every 2 months. If you are looking for a career path I'd say this is the way to go. Or be like me and marry one ;)

Halee said...

When you say auditor - what exactly is she auditing? The only experience I've had with auditors are of places I've worked having their company records/tax/finances etc looked over by auditors? Is she this type, or another? And what qualification does one need for this? Sorry for all the questions but I would LOVE that lifestyle!!!

MAV said...

Financial auditing so you'll need a degree in accounting and get your CPA license.