Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mary, Mary quite contrary...

toothpaste for dinner

So Farmer Pablo now has a tomato on his German Beauty Heirloom...what do I have? Sad droopy blooms and a plant that I had to put masking tape on in an attempt to save my biggest limb.

I'm afraid my experiment in vegetable gardening has failed, miserably. I'm fairly bummed about it not to mention all the guilt I feel about all the saved shower water I gave it during the early summer months that could have gone to our dried out ferns.

Even now with all the rain brought on by the "Cavalier Jeep Curse" it just isn't enough to bring me the delicious homegrown tomatoes I so crave.

My grandmother would be so ashamed...

Oh well, I guess there's always 2011.


N said...

mine didn't grow either except dark spots on the bottom of each fruit due to excessive watering, which in turn made them inedible. hmph.

i just bought more plants and am determined to make this batch work because, well, i just can't bear to think i can't grow a stupid tomato.

i think you and i both bought defective plants. it's not us.

Dr. Pants said...

If you want I can leave the top down on the Jeep, that should make it rain doubly hard...