Saturday, February 13, 2010

29 (+3)

It seems that in the midst of traveling the world I was actually getting a year older. 31 was an amazing year- period. I have zero complaints. Zero.

Last year I decided to start measuring my years by my own birthday and made a list of resolutions. As I look over them I’m regretful and even embarrassed that so many are still on my “to-do” list.

But, as I get older I realize and accept that I will ALWAYS have a personal to-do list. I will always have things I want to change, want to improve, want to start, want to end, want to move towards, want to move away from and as I cross one thing off, five more will surely appear.

So, there might be a few repeats from last year and I’m okay with that…

- Actually do my Spanish lessons- okay this is the last year I want to have this goal…I mean really- JUST DO IT!!

- Focus on my children’s books and my short story collection. Focus!

- Continue to seek out volunteer opportunities.

- Invite forgiveness into my life- for others and for myself.

- Do more to nurture my relationships and rid myself of those connections that bring more negativity than joy into my life.

- Muster up some motivation to get back to the gym and back in a more desirable and healthy shape.

- Get things in line for our return in regards to my career and my business.

- ENJOY THIS LAST YEAR OF TRAVEL TO THE FULLEST!!!! Every second, every sight, every experience- drink it up!

Here’s to 32-can’t wait to see what you have in store for me.

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