Wednesday, August 6, 2008

this is "my space"

Last night Ang told me I had to go back on myspace before we leave. I actually re-registered just a couple weeks ago with the intention of getting back on there so I could direct people to the blog and have another way of keeping up with peeps while we're gone.

But once I got on there and started thinking about finding a template for the page, uploading backgrounds, adding music and quizzes and all the other crap that blankets "myspace" pages I just wanted to throw up. As I hadn't eaten anything that day I decided just to exit myspace.

I just can't do it again.

I did, however, join facebook today which seems way more my speed.

So when we leave you'll have one more option to have a cyber-relationship with us...just not through myspace.


ablackwelder said...

OK, well, I know its difficult, because I can't even figure out how to change my old-as-hell background to have something new and refreshing....I mean, does it really matter, in the bigger scheme of things anyway?
So, I will make the sacrifices and go where I need to go to keep up with you guys, because you ARE that important to me! Aw.......

MAV said...

have i told you lately how much i love you ang?

ablackwelder said...

um...maybe....but tell me again, cause I like to hear it....especially when you're drunk.....