Wednesday, November 12, 2008

say no to H8!!!

2 very important events happening this Saturday. I urge all of you in Georgia to come out and show your support. The Wife and I will be at the candlelight vigil so anyone who wants to come with is more than welcome!

This is NOT just California's issue nor is it just a gay rights issue. This is a CIVIL RIGHTS issue and we cannot stand on the sidelines and let our rights be chiseled away at by fear, hate and ignorance.

A message from the event organizers:

"A nation-wide protest is planned in opposition of California's Prop. 8 for this Saturday, November 15th. Join The Impact is organizing the event via the web and organizers have two Atlanta events planned to coincide with the national protests.

The first event (rally) will begin at 1:30 PM outside of the Georgia State Capitol building. You are asked to bring signs, flags and wear t-shirts voicing your opposition to Prop. 8. The official blog for this event is Atlanta's March for Equality.

The second event to follow will be a candlelight vigil at the corner of 10th and Piedmont outside Outwrite Books in Midtown from 5 PM to 8PM. You are asked to bring candles and again signs to demonstrate your resolve for marriage equality. If you are on Facebook you can view more details about the vigil here.

So please plan on attending one of these events. You should be aware the local media (television and print) will likely cover these events. Show the city, state and our country that you care about your civil rights and that you demand equality now. The more people that attend the greater the visual impact on television and we need to demonstrate the strength and power of our community. We need numbers and now is not the time to pretend you do not care.

There is not much time so get the word out. Tell all your friends, send emails, post on your blog, and make your voice heard."

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