Monday, August 30, 2010

2 days in...

coming straight to dublin instead of trying to squeeze in another in-between location turned out to be a wonderful idea. not just in terms of giving ourselves a little break, but we also just had a great time.

as it is with all places, the people and vibe can really make or break it for me. don't get me wrong- dublin is a lovely city in its own right and there is quite a lot to see/do in terms of culture and history, but the people...they're just all* so amazingly friendly.

it just feels really nice to feel welcome and to relax in the company of a city instead of feeling isolated on its outskirts as nothing more than a tourist...its been a while.

they say dublin is a city with cold beer and warm hearts and so far we've found that to be a very accurate description. i'm seriously in love with this city.

pics and story of the weekend to come...

*like seriously every person we've met. every person. except for the english guy who licked my hand at a pub. not cool, english guy. not cool. thank God i had hand sanitizer in my purse. hand santizer that i used 3 times after the episode. wth?!? who does that?!?

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