just 3 days to go before departure...the excitement is great, the anticipation is extreme and the anxiety...well, i'm keeping the anxiety in check.
the next 3 days are going to be busy and i know before i realize it we're going to be on the plane looking at each other wondering how we got there.
we're so glad we have gotten to see almost everyone to say goodbye and we've had a great time making our rounds. we don't want to miss any one person too much so be sure to keep in touch.
our mailing address has obviously changed. coke will forward our mail weekly so if you want to send us anything (they will send letters, books or cds) email me and i'll give you the po box address.
we will no longer have our cell phones (that means no more texting as well) so if you want to talk to us you'll need to use skype. if don't have skype already you should download it. it is free, easy to use and the best part is you can see when we're online so there is no fear of waking us up at 3am because you messed up the time difference. our skype address as of now is melissa&julie.
our email addresses will remain and we're both on facebook. although the Wife rarely checks it anymore.
i will continue to post photo slideshows on the blog. be sure to click on them to go to the actual slideshow and i'll do my best to be more detailed with the comments so you'll know what you're looking at.
if you have gmail there is also gmail chat. they even have video chat now if you have a webcam.
also, i have opened up the comments on the blog so feel free to let us know what you're thinking.
we're going to miss everyone while we are gone, but in this day and age there is no reason for us to feel too distant...no matter how far away we may be.
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